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Recent News

Moringa: Trees of Life

The Moringa tree provides nutrition as well as income for our sponsored families. In addition to multiple fruit tree varieties, OWH is providing the Moringa tree as a source of vital nutrition in the Chiquimula and Coban regions. The plant is valued for its leaves and high-protein seeds. The Moringa tree is native to parts of Africa and Asia that have dry conditions similar to those of the Chiquimula region of Guatemala.


Much of the Moringa plant is edible by humans. The leaves are rich in protein, minerals, amino acids, omega oils and antioxidants.


Moringa leaves provide:

• 7 times the vitamin C of oranges

• 4 times the vitamin A of carrots

• 4 times the calcium of milk

• 3 times the potassium of bananas

• 4 times the protein of eggs

• 25 times the iron of spinach


The Moringa tree produces seedpods with seeds that offer:

• Oil high in oleic acid with an acceptable taste that can be used for cooking

• Meal, similar to corn meal, that after processing is over 60% protein

• A “seed cake” remaining after extracting the oil that can be further processed as a flocculent in water purification or as a soil additive.


Families raising Moringa trees enjoy improved nutrition and can harvest and replant seeds to grow and sell. OWH purchases seeds and leaves back from sponsored families for use in rehabilitating code red children in Coban. The Moringa tree is also a valuable source of firewood as it reproduces easily and grows quickly.

Hope for an abused mother

Laura Perez Hernandez appeared at our doorstep, pregnant and with 3 children in tow (right). She had continuously been the victim of domestic abuse and had finally fled her husband to seek help. With “where most needed” funding, we were able to rent a place for her and provide food supplies as well as fabric with which she is making tortilla wraps to sell in the market. Thank you “where most needed” donors for enabling us to care for this family, and other abuse cases!

A place to sleep after disaster strikes

A recent mudslide left 30 families homeless and sleeping on the floor of a school. Thanks to an individual donor and “where most needed” funding, beds and blankets have been provided as well as assistance with new housing construction (left).

Providing hope

Santos Rogelio has been experiencing seizures that have been controlled by medications provided by OWH. The seizures recently began increasing in frequency and Santos was forced to abandon his schooling due to danger of injury during his seizures. OWH staff took Santos for specialized care where it was determined that a mass in his brain is responsible for his increasing seizures. Thanks to “where most needed” funding he is scheduled for an EEG and CT Scan to determine the best course of action. Santos is happy and relieved to be receiving this care (right). Please keep him in your prayers.

Home sweet home

It recently came to the attention of OWH staff that five families were living in inadequately constructed plastic shacks among the filth and stench of a local garbage dump (below, left). With the help of a government land donation, two visiting mission teams and “where most needed” funding, OWH replaced these homes on a beautiful hillside with larger homes made of sturdy and durable materials (below, right). The families are overjoyed and incredibly thankful!

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